Big Mumma

Big Mumma (Mum) – Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

I spent the afternoon enjoying the lovely beach at St Clair. It wasn’t particularly sunny, however it wasn’t windy either and that was good enough for me. I parked at St Kilda and walked over the dunes onto the beach and along to St Clair before scrambling up the rocks to the esplanade to see a statue of a Sea Lion called ‘Mum.’ 

I had recently read that according to a recent Department of Conservation report, 29 New Zealand Sea Lion pups were born in Otago and Southland over the 2021/2022 breeding season. This is a remarkable effort considering at one point the New Zealand Sea Lion population was nearly extinct. 

It had been nearly 150 years since a New Zealand Sea Lion birth was recorded on the mainland. Then, one day around Christmas in 1993, a female Sea Lion turned up at Taieri Mouth to give birth to a pup. Over the ensuing years the Sea Lion became known as  ‘Mum.’ Now, many years later the growth of the Sea Lion population has continued and Sea Lions are a common site on local beaches.


Boatshed on Otago Harbour Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

There are certain news item’s you don’t expect to come out of Britian during their summer months and temperatures reaching 40 degrees is one of them. If Britain is anything like New Zealand, then temperature from the mid-20’s up is considered a ‘scorcher.’ So this morning when I woke up to hear the headline of ‘UK records its hottest-ever temperature, with 40.3C’ well that was a surprise. If you spend a summer in Australia, temperatures of 40.0C seem to be the norm, however in Britain that’s unheard of.

So, with summer heatwaves in mind, here’s a picture from a lovely summer’’s day on Otago Harbour.

South Dunedin at Night.

South Dunedin at night Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

Walking through South Dunedin on a Friday night is not without its interesting highlights. Due to the number of takeaway outlets and a few surrounding pubs, there’s always more than a few people around. On this occasion the night was cold but clear and the street was filled with people bustling about their business in order to get home at the end of the week.

Street Art by Dal East

Street Art by Dal East Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

Yesterday I was exploring some of the Dunedin Street Art scene as extreme wind gusts ripped through the city. It was like walking through an urban obstacle course as all sorts of items went barreling down the street or flying past my face! I wanted to see the painting of a large bird with all these metal pieces flying off but I couldn’t remember where it was. Fortunately, as I was heading home I remembered. It’s on Stafford Street. Also, with a little help from the internet I was reminded it’s by Chinese artist Dal East and represents New Zealand’s extinct Haast Eagle constructed out of shards of metal. So cool!

Dunedin Street Art by Milarky

Dunedin Street Art by Milarky Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

The only problem with Dunedin Street Art is that now there is so much of it. It’s hard to remember where they all are. Once, they were all near the Warehouse Precinct, Queens Gardens and Vogel Street making it easy to wander the streets in some sort of missguided, jumbled order. However, so many pieces are now scattered around the city it is nearly impossible to remember them all. I was actually looking for an artwork of a large bird with all these metal pieces flying off. However, I couldn’t remember where it was. So, I enjoyed all the other artworks I did find, such as this piece by Taranaki artist Milarky.

Dunedin Art Gallery

Dunedin Art GalleryBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

I drove to Dunedin in even heavier rain. The windscreen wipers were working overtime and the traffic moving at a steady pace. It wasn’t long before I was weaving through traffic along George Street. I parked the car and dashed between raindrops towards the Dunedin Art Gallery. Upon entering, I shook the rain off like a wet dog and casually strolled up the Gallery stairs to explore. 

An hour or so later I left the Art Gallery and headed out into the rain. How it is possible to rain nonstop for three days is quite beyond my scientific knowledge. What is also beyond my knowledge and understanding is how people who plan extensive city upgrades are able to make it seem as inconvenient as possible. As I manoeuvred my car into a slow moving stream of traffic, I contemplated if there is an unending supply of orange road cones? Will there come a day when a young tradie will be told to head over to the orange road cone collection centre to pick up a load of cones (to block off a street where work might start any time in the next six months) only to be told ‘sorry mate, we’re all out’ Tom over there got the last lot, ‘they’re blocking off Inconvenient Avenue between Disruptive Street and Annoying Road to replace a perfectly good footpath before ignoring the potholes in the middle of the intersection.’   

Thanks to the monumental amount of roadworks taking place in the centre, it took me nearly 10 minutes to go 120 metres in city traffic. It wasn’t even that busy! It’s not as if Dunedin’s traffic is like London where there is often gridlock and people (mainly in large, spotless 4WD’s) drive as if they are invading a country! I recently read an article that in 2021 drivers in London lost an incredible 148 hours due to congestion. That’s the equivalent of over six days a year spent sitting in traffic! So while the queue of traffic ahead of me was insignificant compared to the world stage, this was Dunedin in the early afternoon and I was at an impasse. At one point, having not moved for a considerable period of time, despite seeing a number of green lights in the distance I considered abandoning my car where it was and popping over to the Little India Restaurant to grab a nice curry for lunch. I could then scoot a few doors down and place a bet at the TAB, head around the corner to wash it all down with a beverage at Woof before returning to the car where I would find that the entire line hadn’t moved one iota. This of course was quite a silly idea, as for one thing the Little India was closed!


Henley-Berwick Road Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

Heading south, I drove through dull, mid-morning rain. Here and there the road plunged into pools of water that were beginning to pond in either lane that led past vast acreage of farm lands. Homesteads scattered the countryside along with flocks of sheep and herds of cows that looked fed up in the rain. Before long, I passed through the little village of Henley which is really like a lot of tiny communities in New Zealand, a sleepy little farming district that was once much busier than it is now. 

Situated 35 kilometres south-west of Dunedin, Henley is much more accessible than it once was. Thanks to the modern motorcar, a drive out to Henley can be done in around 25 minutes. This is much quicker than the full day walk it used to take resident’s 150 years ago who would make the trip once a week, to sell produce at local markets in Dunedin. For those that fancied a more coastal route to get to Henley, the other option was to travel from Dunedin down the coast to Brighton where a boat would take passengers to Taieri Mouth. Once at Taieri Mouth, another boat would take people up the Waipori River to the settlement of Taieri Ferry. Once at the river junction of Taieri Ferry, travellers would either venture the short distance to Henley and Otokia or continue on south towards Waihola and Tokomairiro. 

Henley’s major contribution to world news is that the nearby river flood’s occasionally. That, and there was once a cheese factory located in the small village that moved to the neighbouring township of Momona. It was then bought by the much larger Mainland Cheese company in the 1980’s. Beyond that, not much news really comes out of Henley, unless of course you count people picnicking during summer on the banks of the Taieri River which ambles through the district.

It had been raining for three days, the river was high, the farm fields were starting to resemble duck ponds and a wet and muddy herd of cows looked pretty pissed off as they chewed a bale of hay. As I splashed my car through the puddles that lined a road I occasionally shared with a truck or two that rattled passed, the rain continued to fall. The river was a muddy brown while vehicles that had long since been abandoned and large piles of firewood that would take an age to dry sat in drenched farm fields, alongside farm machinery that showed signs of recent use. Eventually I came to the Henley bridge where a local gave me his best ‘what the hell do you think you’re doing look!’ I gave him a friendly wave which was returned with a smile. I paused for a moment by the river to take in the bridge and the former cheese factory. 

The cheese factory was opened in 1886 and at its peak produced 225 tons but has long since been abandoned while the bridge it sits beside actually suffered significant damage in the 1980 flood when a section of it was washed away. Unfortunately Mr John Spain wasn’t aware of this fact so while completing his morning bread deliveries in the shadowy light of pre-dawn, he suddenly found himself plunging from the bridge into darkness as his truck nosed into the torrent of water that had swept a section of it away. 

With the rain getting harder, I ditched my initial plan to photograph the former cheese factory until a day when there was some blue sky around. I watched a ute and horse float disappear along the Henley-Berwick Road towards State Highway 1 and Dunedin before following suit.

Alleyway Off Musselburgh Rise

Alleyway off Musselburgh Rise Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

There’s a fine line to night photos. They can easily turn into nothing without a specific subject to focus on. On this occasion I wanted to capture the light from the doorway in this alleyway and I was fortunate that it just so happened the buses were going past at the same time. Knowing the bus timetable at night can really help!

West Harbour Recreation Trail

West Harbour recreation trail Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

This is a section of the West Harbour Cycleway that is also part of the West Harbour Recreation Trail. It starts at the Otago Marina and currently runs all the way down to the St Leonards Yacht Club. They are currently working on extending the cycleway so it’ll eventually run all the way to Port Chalmers which will be fantastic and something that should have been done long before now!

Yesterday, I spent some time updating a few of my pages and posts here on my blog. One thing I did was move my travel writing pieces to a dedicated page with proper links so they are easier to find in the header menu. It also means they’ll be easier to add to in the future. If you haven’t read them or want to reconnect with them, you can find them here: Travel writing and photography by John Caswell

The Privy At Matanaka

The Privy at Matanaka Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

I had a look around the old farm buildings at Matanaka, which is an old farm settlement near Waikouaiti. Set in an exposed paddock high above the Otago coastline, the farm buildings date back to 1840, making them the oldest surviving buildings in the country. Owner Johnny Jones had the reddish-brown timber buildings built in Australia before they were shipped to Jones’ farm and where they were constructed. The most intriguing of these is the three-seater communal privy which interestingly features a raised central seat. So thus the question is, would you prefer the raised central seat that is in front of the door, or one of the two lower seats that has a window view?

Morning Vibes On Princes Street

Morning vibes On Princes StreetBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

Given the nature of the forecast and the fact I was unlikely to see any form of blue sky for the next few days, I decided an early morning stroll would be in order before a predicted slow moving cold front hit. Not more than an hour ago I heard a weather forecast that included strong winds and heavy rain for the next few days. With that in mind I spent some time wandering around various streets that intersected Dunedin’s Exchange area.

Wild Winter In Dunedin

Wild Winter In DunedinBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

It’s not often I publish photos I’ve taken with my phone (not that they are really phones any more), nor is it usual for me to publish the same photo on my blog as I’ve used on social media. I like to keep them different so people are seeing new things and not viewing repeated content however on this occasion I’ve broken both rules. The weather at the moment is pretty wild and this photo sums things up.

Botanical Gardens Glasshouse

Botanical Gardens GlasshouseBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

This is the Tropical House at the Dunedin Botanical Gardens that has all sorts of plants that include palms, cycads, tropical trees and shrubs and others like banana and sugar cane. There’s also another two ‘wings’ to the Glasshouse that are the East Wing which has a sub tropical plant collection and the west wing which holds Cacti and Succulents.

The Regent Theatre Reflection

The Regent Theatre ReflectionBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

I found this wee scene this afternoon. It was one of those lovely winter days where the weather was fine and still. In the sun the temperature creeped into double figures whereas in the shade it was still cool. As I enjoyed the sunshine that stretched across the Octagon I spied the Regent Theatre reflecting in the fountains.

Silverstream Valley Road

Silverstream Valley RoadBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

There’s something about letter boxes on a gravel road that create an intriguing scene, particularly when there’s an intersection. Having left my car some way back, I’d been walking along the road for some time through a valley surrounded by hills and bush. Apart from the company of a few birds and a stream that occasionally followed me, I had the place to myself.

‘Of All Flowers, Methinks Rose Is Best’

Larnach’s Castle Roses Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

According to Greek mythology, Aphrodite is said to have created the rose when her tears mixed with the blood of her dying lover Adonis. The mixture of tears and blood created a stunning red rose bush when they hit the ground. When the Romans identified Aphrodite as the Goddess of Love,  they also adopted the rose as a symbol of love and beauty. However, Shakespeare once wrote, “Of all flowers, methinks rose is best” and that sounds good too.

Otago Motors Exhibition

Otago Motors Exhibition at Toitu Museum Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

I found myself walking around the Otago Motors Exhibition at Toitu Museum on a Wednesday morning in December near Christmas. Since I was shooting inside at a museum on a summer’s day, it tells you all you need to know about the weather that day. It must have been raining because if it was any decent type of day I would have been outside somewhere. That, or I had an idea in my head I really needed to explore. 

Peninsula Farm Shed (ii)

Peninsula Farm Shed (ii)Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

The thing about exploring abandoned buildings is that you never know when you might bump into the owners and they generally want to know what you’re doing and why you’re there. This usually starts an awkward conversation with me having to give a reasonable explanation as to why for all intents and purposes I’m trespassing. Fortunately on this occasion the owner was pleased I wasn’t stealing firewood and ended up wanting some photography tips which I was more than happy to answer.  

Peninsula Farm Shed (i)

Peninsula Farm Shed (i)Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

I can’t say I found this by accident because it simply isn’t true. I did however quite deliberately choose the day I went exploring around it. Old buildings like this are always fascinating and this one I looked at for some time before I found what it was that I wanted to capture, in essence I was looking for the passing of time.

A Walk In South D

Corner of Macandrew Road and King Edward StreetBuy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

Having spent a decent period of time taking in the light show called Mana Moana: Otepoti on Otago Harbour at the Steamer Basin, I headed for South Dunedin. King Edward Street to be more precise. For some unknown reason I felt the desire to wander along familiar streets that I hadn’t spent any recent time on. I started on the corner of Sullivan Avenue and King Edward Street and headed east in the direction of the beach. My intention wasn’t to get to the beach yet I wasn’t completely sure what my intention was at all. All I knew is that at some point I would find what I was looking for. I strolled for some time passing windows of pubs and restaurants that were filled with patrons who watched and followed my movements with suspicious eyes. I passed teenagers that were huddled in small groups in the light of an alleyway, busily vaping and taking long swigs out of soft drinking bottles that I suspected was some alcoholic concoction of rocket fuel. 

After an unknown period of time I stopped on the corner of Macandrew Road and King Edward Street. In one direction a police car raced, flashing its red and blue lights while in the other an ambulance weaved its way through the intersection in front of me which had come to a halt for a few seconds. Watching a bus disappear into the distance, a lady drew up beside me, she caught my eye before remarking ‘oh well, nice night for a walk.’ As she headed off in the direction of the bus that had long since vanished, a man from across the street had come a little closer and remarked ‘I dropped my chip money, lucky I found it aye.’ He smiled a joyful grin and ambled down the street in the direction of the chippy.

Mānawatia a Matariki

Aurora Australis Buy or view the Ōtepoti | Dunedin gallery

Since today is all about stars and gazing to the sky I thought this Aurora Australis image might be somewhat appropriate.

Mānawatia a Matariki
Mānawa maiea te putanga o Matariki.
Mānawa maiea te ariki o te rangi.
Mānawa maiea te Mātahi o te tau.

Celebrate the rising of Matariki.
Celebrate the rising of the lord of the sky.
Celebrate the rising of the New Year.