Days & Nights in Hong Kong

Menu Bar Update

Recently I spent some time updating a few links here on my daily photoblog. On the main menu bar that appears above each day’s photo and story you’ll see some new links. Every so often I go in and update a few of them here on my photoblog, so the other week I decided that it was time a few of the old links were changed. I’ve got a few further ideas that I’d like to add, however at the moment I’m focusing on links to my galleries. The main link you’ll see is to my newly updated portfolio called ‘John’s Portfolio’. It’s one large main gallery that features nearly 2000 photos in it for you to look through and explore. My portfolio features most of my published, non-sport work. I say ‘most of’ due to the fact that every so often an image is created for a client with exclusive rights or as a one-off piece of art that isn’t designed to be shared online. So, have a look and feel free to share it with others.

John’s Portfolio – link in menu

Daily Photo – Days & Nights in Hong Kong

Kowloon in Hong Kong

This is a new image you’ll find in my recently updated gallery called ‘John’s Portfolio’. I took this the day I became sick in Hong Kong. I’d spent the day exploring the city streets of Kowloon before heading back to our hotel to relax for a few hours. Later that evening my wife and I went out for dinner before going on a boat ride to see the Symphony of Light display. Well, as the night wore on I began to feel worse and worse until eventually we made it back to shore and eventually the hotel room where upon arrival I collapsed into bed. The next 36 hours were spent with an intense fever, barely able to move before recovering just enough to make it to the airport and our flight home! However, how I was allowed through security in the state I was in remains something of a mystery.

St Clair Salt Water Pool

St Clair Salt Water Pool

The thing about winter is that the daylight hours are shorter. Cold weather I can handle, however what I find difficult to accept is the lack of daylight. Every winter, there is always a point when I realise I’ve become something akin to mole. For me, it’s just been and so when Saturday arrived, I was delighted with the fact that it was daylight and I wasn’t at work! In celebration, I spent the first few hours familiarising myself with what the house looked like in natural light before heading out into the garden. Later, with the day sunny and still with all my holdhouse chores taken care of, I made up my mind to venture down to the beach. So, with my camera in hand, I headed out the door into a warm Saturday afternoon.

Lan Yuan, Dunedin Chinese Garden

Lan Yuan, Dunedin Chinese Garden

Because I strayed from my intended path, I ended up in the tranquillity of Lan Yuan, Dunedin Chinese Garden. The gardens were quiet with the only other visitors being two men playing chess in the tearooms. It really was peaceful and serene. Created with the support of the Shanghai Municipal Government, the gardens are New Zealand’s only authentic Chinese Garden and when it was opened, one of only three outside China. 

Ross Creek Walking Track

Ross Creek Track

Back in March, on Saturday afternoon when I didn’t have many pressing matters to fill my time, I went in search of waterfalls. Since I knew of several located along the walking tracks in the Ross Creek Reserve, I went for a look. Located in North Dunedin, the reservoir was opened in 1867 as the Royal Albert Reservoir, but the name did prove too popular with locals and was changed to the Ross Creek Reservoir. Named after Archibald Hilson Ross, who was Mayor of Dunedin from 1880-1881.

Lewis Acker’s Place

Lewis Acker’s place

I’ve written about the amazing life of Lewis Acker before but I couldn’t resist another revisit. He started life in New England, America and went to sea which brought him to the shores of Aotearoa as a 16 year old. Several years later he returned as part of the sealing and whaling industry eventually before purchasing 600 acres of land on Stewart Island. In a small bay he built a remarkable stone, one room, two windowed house where he lived with his wife Mary Pi and eight children until they moved back to the mainland. He spent time working in the sealing and whaling industry, he built boats, ran a sawmill, was a river boat pilot and also ran a farm. At the time of his death in 1885, aged around 70 he had been married twice and was father to 14 children, having outlived six of them. So, ending the tale of Lewis Acker.

Hampden Pond

Hampden Pond

In Hampden, which is around 40 kilometres south of Oamaru, I found a small wee pond near the beach. I’d actually stopped for a bite to eat beside the beach and while I was eating, I spotted a small pond across the road. The pond itself wasn’t very large, but it had all manner of reflections and life buzzing around it and a strange deep colour which only made it more interesting.

The Evening Tide at St Clair

The Evening Tide

I watched the incoming tide for a few minutes, turned and headed for the far opposite end of the Esplanade. The whole area was quiet in the fading light as the street lights started to take hold. Reaching the end of the Esplanade by the Salt Water Pool, I paused beside a cafe that must have closed several hours ago. Once again I stood and watched the tide roll in, breaking against the rocks before receding out into the backwash. Every so often patches of sand became exposed, revealing leftover seaweed and driftwood that would shift and move with the tide. I took a moment to look out across the ocean. As the light had continued to fade, the sea had taken on a moody grey-blue complexion. Suddenly to my left the lights of the Hotel St Clair came on and drew my attention back to the Esplanade. In the blue hour of evening, I walked in the salty sea air as darkness took hold.

Return to the Dunedin Botanic Garden

The Dunedin Botanic Garden Glasshouse

Given the nature of winter, with the short hours of sunshine and temperatures that sit in single digits, when the sun comes out it’s best to take advantage of it. So, a short while ago once the day had started to warm-up, I went for a stroll in the Dunedin Botanical Gardens. Exactly what I was looking for, I’m not really sure. However, I was happy wandering around, avoiding ducks and the little children who were chasing them with handfuls of food. What I couldn’t figure out was who was more scared, the ducks or the children!

Makarora Valley

The Makarora Valley

I drove on to Makarora along Stage Highway 6, passing farmland that had been saturated with recent rain and surrounded by peaks that formed part of the Southern Alps. Eventually, arriving in the tiny settlement of Makarora. This was going to be my base for the next few days, however since the day was young and with a bit of time to spare, I pointed the car in the direction of the Makarora Valley and went for a look around.

A Glimpse of Spring

St Kilda beach at dusk

The other week, while the weather was calm and pleasant I spent a few evenings exploring the beach. On this occasion, the evening was warm as dusk took hold and colours from the setting sun lingered in the sky before disappearing from sight. In fact, the weather was so warm and settled that blossoms started appearing on trees around Dunedin and the MetService had to remind locals that ‘We’re not out of winter just yet.’ A few days later, snow appeared in the forecast!

Kapiti Marine Reserve

Kapiti Marine Reserve

Some years ago, I had the pleasure to spend a day on Kapiti Island. Accessible only by specific ferry companies, Kapiti Island is a wonderful place to spend some time. These days, the predator-free Island is managed by the Department of Conservation however back in the mid-1830s, there were up to five whaling stations on the island. At the time, European traders and whalers were populating the coastlines and so local iwi provided them with land, pigs, potatoes, dressed flax and women in return for guns, tobacco and alcohol.

During the 1840s, the whaling trade/industry around parts of New Zealand had started to fade away. Kapiti Island was one of these locations. At this time, much of the land on the Island was cleared for farming and sheep, goats, pigs, deer, cats, and dogs were introduced. For the next forty to fifty years, the island was farmed until around 1900 when the government purchased most of the island and developed it into a predator-free, bird sanctuary. Being a nature reserve, it lies 5 kilometres off the West Coast of the North Island, at Paraparaumu. For over 100 years it has been managed by the New Zealand Government in order to protect its flora and fauna.

In 1992 Kapiti Marine Reserve was established to protect the nationally significant Marine life in the area. It also connects Kapiti Island Nature Reserve and Waikanae Estuary Reserve to form a rare continuum of protected land, sea and estuary habitats.

St Bathans Township

St Bathans Township (in Black n White)St Bathans Township

How I like the small Central Otago town of St Bathans, I wish I owned property there. I wish I could afford to own property there. If ever I was to buy a place I used to think it would be Arrowtown, however as a town it’s changed dramatically over the last few years and so my thinking has changed to St Bathans. I like the idea of relaxing in the quiet solitude, making art inspired by the way the landscape changes with the seasons. But, since owning property is out of the question, I’ll settle for the odd day trip here and there.


Dunstan House in Clyde

I found my way to Clyde and Dunstan House, which I was quite looking forward to seeing. I always enjoy places with a bit of history and ‘The Dunstan’ as it is affectionately known dates back to 1900 and the building before that was constructed in the 1860’s during the gold rush. The building has all sorts of stories to tell, some of which I heard from the owners. One goes along the lines of, back in the gold rush days the house had a hatch from the cellar to the bar where dancing girls would pop up from to entertain the miners.

Alexandra Bridge In Autumn Colours

Alexandra Bridge in Autumn

The Alexandra Bridge, like the clock on the hill, is a bit of an icon.  While the newer version of the bridge is the one most people are familiar with, it’s the remains of the previous bridge that is the real monument. When it was built in 1882, the Alexandra Bridge was one of the country’s most glorious structures and a true feat of engineering. These days, the surviving piers and towers are a testament to its wonderful construction, having withstood the force of the Clutha river for more than 140 years.

Lover’s Leap, The Chasm & The Sandymount Track

The Sandymount Lookout to Allans Beach and Mt Charles

The viewing point for Lovers Leap and the Chasm on the Sandymount Track really was spectacular. That was, until the land became unstable and they removed the viewing platform due to fears it might collapse. Considering it looked out over a gorge that fills with water, a stunning natural arch created by centuries of relentless wave movement and is surrounded by dramatic cliffs, it was probably a rather wise idea.

So, the Department of Conservation built a new viewing platform looking out to the northeast. Now visitors get a stunning vista looking out over Allans Beach, Hoopers Inlet, Mt Charles and inland to Harbour Cone. I have to admit, it is possibly a better view than the old one at Lovers Leap and the Chasm.

Clarks Junction & Strath Taieri

Southern fields of Strath Taieri

And so to the Strath Taieri. I love the Strath Taieri and the stories of the people who ventured into this unknown wonderland in search of gold. I admire them for their tenacity and their persistence to never give-up. I also love the creative, artistic vision the landscape stimulates. Many of this country’s most famous painters and poets have been inspired by the countryside. Artists such as Marilynn Webb, Colin McCahon, Grahame sydney, James K. Baxter, Brain Turner and many more.

Once, I was driving along Old Dunstan Road when some time after turning off at Clarks Junction I came across a lady sitting in front of an easel in the long grass. She was near an old fence line, happily painting in the bright sunshine. As I got closer I could see that she was working at furious pace with her paintbrushes moving enthusiastically through the air, creating an altogether delightful work of art on the canvas in front of her. She really was having the most wonderful time.

Mount Victoria in Wellington

Mount Victoria lookout in Wellington

In Wellington, with some unexpected time on my hands I decided to go for a bit of an exploration. Since my hire car wasn’t due back at the airport till mid afternoon and the day was fine, I filled the next few hours by going for a drive. My first stop was a visit to Mount Victoria, part of the Wellington Town Belt. Formed in 1841 by the colonial New Zealand Company, the land was put aside for a public recreation ground to be created for the inhabitants of Wellington. At the top of the Mount Victoria Town Belt is a 360 degree view of the city which really is rather impressive. For those that are feeling energetic, walking tracks lead from the harbour on Oriental Parade up to the lookout; however, if you’re wanting an easier option like I was, you can simply drive.  


Dan’s Paddock at Paradise

While staying in Glenorchy, I decided to go on a day trip beyond the head of Lake Wakatipu towards the Dart River. The main reason for my trip was simple. I wanted to be able to say ‘I’ve been to Paradise’ and for those that don’t know, yes there really is a place in Aotearoa called that. It’s actually more of an area than a specific spot with a few farms scattered around near the Dart River which flows from the Southern Alps into the northern end of Lake Wakatipu near Glenorchy.

So, heading for Paradise, I left Glenorchy on the Glenorchy-Paradise Road, crossed the Rees River and passed places called Earnslaw and Diamond Lake before arriving in Paradise. Curious about what was further along the road, I continued, eventually stopping at a place called Dan’s Paddock for a wander around a stretch of the legs. Sometime later, satisfied with my day’s efforts, I turned the car around and headed back to Glenorchy.

Lake Wakatipu and the Devil’s Staircase

Lake Wakatipu and the Devil’s Staircase

Driving somewhere between Middlemarch and Hyde, while listening to a podcast about New Zealand history, for some reason I recalled the story of Captain Frederick Burwell and the Southland Hussars. Formed in the 1860’s in response to fears of a Russian invasion, the cavalry corps were intent upon defending the Otago-Southland coast. At the time, there were many volunteer militias throughout New Zealand, so it wasn’t unusual for settlers to sign up to volunteer groups.

So, in 1885, when an April Review was held in Queenstown, up to 258 men from surrounding areas were due to gather. In Kingston, Captain Frederick Burwell needed to take his 30 men from the end of Lake Wakatipu up to the Review assembly point in Queenstown. However, instead of going via boat, for some reason he decided to travel overland. A journey that took him and his men via the notorious Devils Staircase. Travelling on horseback, they negotiated their way over small, narrow and rugged tracks next to sheer vertical drops before facing near perpendicular rock faces in spots over 1000 feet high. Once they reached the summit, a magnificent view of the lake came into view. Having passed the famous Staircase, the Kawarau River was crossed by punt, arriving in Queenstown late in the afternoon where Captain Burwell and his men were warmly greeted, having successfully completed an arduous 40 mile journey. Just why Captain Burwell opted for the deadly overland trip via the Devils Staircase instead of the easier ferry trip was never fully explained.

Curling In Naesby

Curling in Naesby

In Naesby I found people curling which wasn’t really a surprise considering how cold it was. So, I decided to stay and watch a while. It was quite interesting really. Over the half hour I was there, I walked around and heard all sorts of terms I’d never heard before and didn’t really understand. But, I can say this, they seemed to be having a great deal of fun and what’s more, not one person slipped over while I was there. A feat I was rather impressed with.

Clarks Mill near Oamaru

Clarks Mill near Oamaru

On a whim, I stopped at Clarks Mill. I was on my way to Christchurch and when the historic mill came into view, some 15 kilometres south of Oamaru, for no particular reason I pulled the car over and made the decision to have a look around. Unfortunately, the mill was closed and all locked up so I was forced to be content with wandering around the grounds. However, I was able to find out that the milling of wheat and flour was a key component of the early North Otago economy and Clarks Mill was an important part of that production. Opened in 1867 for the New Zealand and Australia Land Company, Clarks Mill was originally equipped with grinding stones powered by a water wheel. Since the mill was in a rather awkward location beside a bend of the Kakanui River, it required the construction of a long water race to power it.

The TSS Earnslaw

The TSS Earnslaw in Queenstown

As I stood on the dock, the crisp morning air filled my lungs and the beauty of Queenstown surrounded me. The TSS Earnslaw, an iconic steamship affectionately known as the “Lady of the Lake,” was moored majestically against the tranquil waters of Lake Wakatipu. Its vintage charm, accentuated by the bright red funnel and classic white hull, transported me back in time.

The surrounding mountains were nothing short of breathtaking. Snow-capped peaks of the Remarkables range loomed in the distance, their rugged beauty softened by light morning mist. The sun, still low in the sky, cast a golden glow, creating a picturesque contrast with the deep blue waters of the lake.

It was then that I realised that I had never actually been on the historic ship, maybe this is something I should change I thought to myself as I moved along the dock.

Tunnel Hill Historic Railway

Tunnel Hill railway at McDonald’s Saddle

Tunnels are amazing. Whenever I see one, I can never walk or drive past without stopping to go inside to investigate. On this occasion, I was heading for Balclutha having recently left the small town of Owaka. I had spent the day walking the Catlins River Track near Tawanui in the Owaka Valley and by the time I arrived back at my car, it was mid afternoon. Leaving Tawanui, I arrived in Owaka where I stopped for a bite to eat before continuing on to Tunnel Hill, the location of a disused 250 m long railway tunnel. Built between 1879 and 1915, the Catlins River Branch railway formed part of New Zealand’s national rail network which was constructed to provide access to the local timber industries. The tunnel was finished in 1896.

Paraparam (aka Paraparaumu)

Corner of Marine Parade and MacLean Street

This is an image I took while I was in Paraparaumu on one of those typically hot, North Island  summer days. When I processed this image I was in a mood to be a bit creative, so I added a preset. Lightroom presets are great, I use them all the time. IN case you don’t know what Lightroom presets are, they enable quick additions of filters during photo editing. They’re really useful, super easy and fun to make. This particular preset is called ‘Ali Is Smiling’ because I made it and a whole bunch while I was watching the famous Thrilla In Manila boxing match between Muhammad Ali vs Joe Frazier III from 1975. I also added a Fisheye Lens effect to mix things up a bit.

The Penguin Entertainers Club In Oamaru

The Penguin Entertainers Club

Wandering around the Victorian Heritage precinct of Oamaru, I had a delightful time exploring all the alleyways that connect the surrounding area. They were filled with doors that were clearly delivery entrances and the usual assortment of rubbish bins and other bits and pieces you might find in an alleyway next to a busy shopping area. Along one passageway that ran between two historic buildings I came across a ramp and door that looked slightly different than all the rest. The sign on the door said, Jam Night: Members, Guests. The sign above said ‘The Penguin Club.’ It was one of those places that appeared to be still in use, but then again it was hard to tell. Intrigued, I made a note and continued on exploring the heritage buildings. 

Later, I read that the Penguin Entertainers Club started in 1990. Located in the annex of an old grain store, the space was made available for Oamaru musicians to practise, have a few drinks and mix with local talent and now, almost 35 years later the place is still going.

Maybe South Canterbury?

Railway track near State Highway 1

So, usually I’m pretty good at remembering where and when I was when I took a photo. It’s not often I can’t pinpoint an exact location, however this is one of those times. What I can tell you is that I was driving to Christchurch and somewhere beyond Timaru I stopped to stretch my legs. Spotting a walking track, I followed it and found myself under a bridge, with both railway tracks and a river next to me. It was fairly obvious from the surroundings that the river had recently flooded. This of course meant that I had to spend a lot of time avoiding puddles, something I wasn’t too successful at.

Little Red Rooster

Belladonna Lily

So, I was going to change direction today away from flowers however I got a message that changed my mind. I received an email from a viewer saying they didn’t like to leave comments on blogs, however she was loving the images of flowers. She then went on to ask if I had any more I could post. Well, I promised one more flower photo so today by special request here is a Belladonna Lily, a species of Amaryllis. 

Green River

Mediterranean Spurge

This is another image from my social media channels which you might not have seen. Once again, turning to my marvellous Picture This app I can tell you this plant is a Mediterranean Spurge and it symbolises purity, protection and wisdom. Why that is, I can’t say, however I do know that it is used in Mediterranean cooking such as with salads and cooked with vegetables. Interestingly, the plant is also toxic so working with it would be rather dangerous I’d imagine. 

Oh, incidentally if you want to follow me on Facebook you can find me here (@fromasmallcity) or on Instagram right here (@fromasmallcity).

Purple Rain

Garden Mum (Chrysanthemum)

Just in case you need a little more purple in your life!

This is the image I shared on one of my social media channels yesterday however, since not everyone is not signed up to the various online communities, I’m sharing it here as well. If you’ve already seen it, you get the delight of seeing it again! I must say, I don’t really know plants and flowers, so identifying them is a bit of a mystery to me. Yet, I can tell you that it’s a Garden Mum, a species of Chrysanthemum. I know that thanks to my marvellous Picture This app on my phone. 

Oh, incidentally if you want to follow me on Facebook you can find me here (@fromasmallcity) or on Instagram right here (@fromasmallcity).