Menu Bar Update
Recently I spent some time updating a few links here on my daily photoblog. On the main menu bar that appears above each day’s photo and story you’ll see some new links. Every so often I go in and update a few of them here on my photoblog, so the other week I decided that it was time a few of the old links were changed. I’ve got a few further ideas that I’d like to add, however at the moment I’m focusing on links to my galleries. The main link you’ll see is to my newly updated portfolio called ‘John’s Portfolio’. It’s one large main gallery that features nearly 2000 photos in it for you to look through and explore. My portfolio features most of my published, non-sport work. I say ‘most of’ due to the fact that every so often an image is created for a client with exclusive rights or as a one-off piece of art that isn’t designed to be shared online. So, have a look and feel free to share it with others.

Daily Photo – Days & Nights in Hong Kong
This is a new image you’ll find in my recently updated gallery called ‘John’s Portfolio’. I took this the day I became sick in Hong Kong. I’d spent the day exploring the city streets of Kowloon before heading back to our hotel to relax for a few hours. Later that evening my wife and I went out for dinner before going on a boat ride to see the Symphony of Light display. Well, as the night wore on I began to feel worse and worse until eventually we made it back to shore and eventually the hotel room where upon arrival I collapsed into bed. The next 36 hours were spent with an intense fever, barely able to move before recovering just enough to make it to the airport and our flight home! However, how I was allowed through security in the state I was in remains something of a mystery.