The Dunedin Law Courts at Night
One of the things that happens to you when you get older is that you start to wake more often during the night. Along with my hair thinning and that annoying lower back pain that never really seems to disappear, this has started happening possibly more often than I care to admit. I’ve tried many times to find a pattern to these nocturnal awakenings, but I never do. It really is amazing what you remember you forgot in the middle of the night; the answer to that lunchtime crossword puzzle, song lyrics, what I was meant to buy at the supermarket on the way home. Then there are those seemingly random questions that come from nowhere; What is the weather forecast? Who invented the microscope? Which countries border Bhutan? Who is the current British Prime Minister? Is it snowing? Is it too late in life to become a heart surgeon or a pilot?
The benefit of all this is that my alarm clock is now pretty much redundant and is quite usefully acting as a dust collector. In the hope of getting back to sleep, there are times when I’ll read for a bit, and other times when I’ll simply give in completely and just get up! This is how I came to be standing outside Dunedin Railway Station- opposite the Dunedin Law Courts at 5:15am on an idle Tuesday morning in mid February, photographing trucks barreling along the local one-way system heading for some unknown commercial supply chain.