The Dunedin Law Courts at Night
One of the things that happens to you when you get older is that you start to wake more often during the night. Along with my hair thinning and that annoying lower back pain that never really seems to disappear, this has started happening possibly more often than I care to admit. I’ve tried many times to find a pattern to these nocturnal awakenings, but I never do. It really is amazing what you remember you forgot in the middle of the night; the answer to that lunchtime crossword puzzle, song lyrics, what I was meant to buy at the supermarket on the way home. Then there are those seemingly random questions that come from nowhere; What is the weather forecast? Who invented the microscope? Which countries border Bhutan? Who is the current British Prime Minister? Is it snowing? Is it too late in life to become a heart surgeon or a pilot?
The benefit of all this is that my alarm clock is now pretty much redundant and is quite usefully acting as a dust collector. In the hope of getting back to sleep, there are times when I’ll read for a bit, and other times when I’ll simply give in completely and just get up! This is how I came to be standing outside Dunedin Railway Station- opposite the Dunedin Law Courts at 5:15am on an idle Tuesday morning in mid February, photographing trucks barreling along the local one-way system heading for some unknown commercial supply chain.
The corner of Dame Lane & Trinity Street in Dublin.
While we are on the subject of photos from Dublin, this one I took while zigzagging through the city streets on a balmy evening in early January. I can’t remember where I was coming from, it might have been a restaurant. However, I do know I was heading for the Stags Head at the end of Dame Lane. A location where a tavern has existed in some shape or form since the 1780’s.
City & Silgo Walkway
It’s fair to say that at the moment, here in Dunedin the mornings aren’t exactly tropical! In fact, they’re simply cold! Fortunately the rain passed through overnight, however the wind that has been present since Friday remains. On this occasion, for some silly reason I decided to go for a walk, I left my car near Sligo Terrace in the Town Belt and made my way in the wind along Scarba Street before turning on Leven and Ross Streets. From there and with the wind at my back, it was a short downhill canter before joining the walkway heading back up City Road to Sligo Terrace. Along the way I took several photos, one of which is featured today. Note to self, wear gloves next time!
Braid Road
There’s a strange time of morning at the end of autumn and the beginning of winter when it’s not quite light, yet not completely dark. It’s a curious time of day, the depths of morning. This is a time where shadows creep and the night lingers on paths that seem twisted with form. The wind whispers, dark corners betray our thoughts yet light seems to have a friendly, welcoming glow.
Cemetery Bus Stop
Turning to the quiet hours after sundown as we go into the dark streets of the night.
The Vulcan Hotel in St Bathans
I stayed here one night and almost had the place to myself. I’m not sure what I would have done if it was busy. It was the perfect spot to process a few photos over a pint or two of Speight’s. Apart from a Grandfather and Grandson at the end of the bar happily sharing tales about fish and a lady in the dining room, it was a very quiet night. They certainly didn’t mind me setting up my camera for a photo before the landlady told me about the local ghost.
The story goes that many young ladies came to the Otago gold fields seeking employment in grog tents, bars, and dance halls that sprang up all over the region. At the time, it was thought that a lady could earn a substantial wage on the gold fields, and thus create a better life for themselves. So when a lady called Rose started working in the area as a prostitute near the town of St Bathans, she most likely wasn’t alone. During her time in the area, Rose worked at the dance halls while also renting a room at the Vulcan Hotel at night to see male clients. Having collected a small amount of gold in payment, one night a male client of Rose strangled her, robbed her of her gold and threw her body into the nearby lake.
The killer was never found and to this day the restless ghost of Rose haunts the Vulcan Hotel and particular male gentlemen who stay in the famous Room 1.
… from a Small City. My daily musings from Ōtepoti to get you inspired. Read the blog, view the photos, embrace the creativity.