Lover’s Leap, The Chasm & The Sandymount Track

The Sandymount Lookout to Allans Beach and Mt Charles

The viewing point for Lovers Leap and the Chasm on the Sandymount Track really was spectacular. That was, until the land became unstable and they removed the viewing platform due to fears it might collapse. Considering it looked out over a gorge that fills with water, a stunning natural arch created by centuries of relentless wave movement and is surrounded by dramatic cliffs, it was probably a rather wise idea.

So, the Department of Conservation built a new viewing platform looking out to the northeast. Now visitors get a stunning vista looking out over Allans Beach, Hoopers Inlet, Mt Charles and inland to Harbour Cone. I have to admit, it is possibly a better view than the old one at Lovers Leap and the Chasm.

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