Southern Cross Station in Melbourne

Velluto Coffee at Southern Cross Station in Melbourne

Thirsty and hungry, I wearily I trudged through Southern Cross Station in Melbourne, that marvel of modern transportation architecture, presented itself in a manner that was nothing short of exhilarating. I was hot and tired, yet bathed in the golden glow of late afternoon light, the station seemed less like a hub of trains and more like a grand cathedral of travel. There, nestled comfortably under the sprawling, undulating roof—a roof that appeared to have been designed by a collaboration of science-fiction enthusiasts and overly enthusiastic origami experts—was a modest coffee stand by the name of Velluto.

The kiosk, with its clean, curved lines and warmly lit sign, was a beacon for the weary traveller in need of caffeine sustenance. It had a kind of quiet charm, as though it were saying, “Yes, you’re in a rush, but there’s always time for a good coffee.” The wooden panels along its top gave it a slightly rustic appeal, which was wonderfully at odds with the sleek, modern design of the station around it. The glow from the overhead lights cast a soft, inviting sheen on the counter, where an amiable barista attended to a customer who appeared to be contemplating the menu with the seriousness one usually reserves for selecting a life partner.

Behind the counter, the machinery of coffee creation hummed and whirred, promising the robust aroma and the soothing warmth of a perfectly brewed cup in that fleeting moment, Velluto was more than just a coffee stand. It was a small sanctuary in the bustling, architecturally impressive style of Southern Cross Station, offering a brief respite from the relentless march of time and travel.

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