Macandrew Bay Ice Cream Cravings

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The camp track was used as an access point to get building materials from Broad Bay, up to the castle. I tried to imagine the motivation that would have been required to transport some of the stone and timber up the hill to what was then known as “The Camp.” My attention soon quickly turned to Broad Bay. Known to local māori as Whaka Oho Rahi (meaning  ‘a place of plenty’) it was once a location where food was gathered like kaimoana. After European settlement populated the area it became a popular ‘holiday resort’ and boating location. In the early 20th century Broad Bay hosted an annual New Year’s Day Regatta where crafts sailed from Dunedin to the bay. 

Leaving Broad Bay behind my walk now took me to Macandrew Bay which is another delightful peninsula community. There’s an art gallery, a playground, a boating club, a popular family beach and a dairy which happily satisfies the ice cream cravings of many youngsters. 

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